
Data source: Alesina, Devleeschauwer, Easterly, Kurlat and Wacziarg

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This dataset contains variables concerning measures of ethnic, linguistic and religious fractionalization.
The variables reflect the probability that two randomly selected people from a given country will not share a certain characteristic. The higher the number the less probability of the two sharing that characteristic. The data was last updated by the authors in 2002. For the QoG Data, the data from the year 2000 is repeated throughout the other years, then, these variables should be taken as historical variables.

Last updated by source: 2002-10-10

Dataset type: Cross-section
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Alesina, A., Devleeschauwer, A., Easterly, W., Kurlat, S., & Wacziarg, R. (2003). Fractionalization. Journal of Economic Growth, 8(2), 155–194.

Variables in this dataset:

   Ethnic Fractionalization in the year 2000
QoG Code: al_ethnic2000

Ethnic Fractionalization in the year 2000. The definition of ethnicity involves a combination of racial and linguistic characteristics. The result is a higher degree of fractionalization than the commonly used ELF-index (see el_elf60) in for example Latin America, where people of many races speak the same language.

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   Language Fractionalization in the year 2000
QoG Code: al_language2000

Linguistic Fractionalization in the year 2000. The variable reflects the probability that two randomly selected people from a given country will not belong to the same linguistic group. The higher the score, the more fractionalized is the society.

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   Religion Fractionalization in the year 2000
QoG Code: al_religion2000

Religious Fractionalization in the year 2000. The variable reflects the probability that two randomly selected people from a given country will not belong to the same religious group. The higher the number, the more fractionalized is the society.

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